Future Home of the Bexley Elementary School Website


Bexley Elementary School is still being constructed, and so is our website!  Please check back from time to time for important information about the school.

Bexley Elementary School
4380 Ballantrae Boulevard
Land O’ Lakes, Florida 34638

REMINDER – Kindergarten Open House will be on Wednesday, April 26th from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of Oakstead Elementary.  See the Important School Information section below for more info.

For information about registration requirements, please visit the Pasco County Schools “Back to School” page.


Hello Bexley Bulldog Families!  We are excited to announce that our first annual Kindergarten Open House will be on Wednesday, April 26th from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of Oakstead Elementary at 19925 Lake Patience Road Land O’ Lakes, Florida.  This evening will be an information night for the families of incoming kindergartners for the 2017-2018 school year.  The agenda will include information on registration as well as an overview to introduce you to the exciting new adventure of kindergarten at Bexley Elementary.  We look forward to meeting all of our Kindergarten Bexley Bulldogs on April 26th

Hello, Future Bexley Elementary Families!

My name is Vicki Wolin and I have the privilege of being the first principal of Bexley Elementary!  I am looking forward to sharing my background with you and getting to know you and your children in the coming months!  For now, though, we do have some important announcements.

Currently I am a team of one. However, effective February 25th ,  Mrs. C.J. Huffman will join the Bexley Team as our Assistant Principal! Families from Oakstead have had the pleasure of working with Mrs. Huffman and know what a skilled administrator she is! I know that our Odessa Families will be as impressed with her as I am!

In addition to Mrs. Huffman the following staff will join us on March 27th:

  • Barbara Galicz, Bookkeeper
  • Denise Brown, School Secretary
  • Brandy Chemnitz, Learning Design Coach

We all are excited to work with you to create a school where, no matter what class your child is in, they are guaranteed to learn at high levels both academically and socially!  I will continue to update you on staff as we move into the Spring.

There is one final member of our team that has been chosen- the Bexley mascot! Thank you to all who provided feedback by voting on this decision.  I am proud to announce that we are the BULLDOGS!  Our school colors of Gray, Blue, and Green will be reflected both in our buildings and with our mascot. Our district design team is working closely with us to create the first images of our Bexley Bulldog and I look forward to sharing him with you!

On a final note, I have received some questions regarding busing and school start times.  That information is not currently available. It should be released by the end of February and I will make sure to keep you posted!


Vicki Wolin
Bexley Elementary