For all updates regarding school closures during the storm, please see our weather page.

Kindergarten Open House

Kindergarten Open House will be held on Monday, April 30th at 6:30 p.m. in the Bexley cafeteria. This open house is for families and students who will be starting kindergarten at Bexley in August.

Canine Headlines

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! April’s Canine Headlines is full of great information. Please read and share with other Bexley Families. Read our monthly newsletter HERE!

Canine Headlines

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! The March Canine Headlines is full of great information. Please read and share with other Bexley Families. Read our monthly newsletter HERE!

Canine Headlines

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! February’s Canine Headlines is full of great information. Please read and share with other Bexley Families. Read our monthly newsletter HERE!