Hello Bexley Families,
We hope you enjoyed the long Labor Day weekend with family and friends. This week is a shorter one, but still filled with learning and fun!
This week our grade levels are hosting Open House from 5:30pm-6:30pm. Our teachers are ready to share grade level expectations and some student work that has already been done this school year. Please make sure you mark your calendar for the Open House that matches your child’s grade level. All Open Houses are from 5:30pm-6:30pm
Tuesday, 9/5 – 2nd and 3rd grade OPEN HOUSE
Wednesday, 9/6 – Kindergarten and 1st grade OPEN HOUSE
Thursday, 9/7 – 4th and 5th grade OPEN HOUSE
Wednesday is our first early release day and also our first HOUSE day! Students will be dismissed from school at 1:50pm. Please make sure you have a plan for your child’s early dismissal and arrival at home.
Our HOUSES are the pillars of our core values at Bexley. All 1st-5th grade students have been sorted into houses and once sorted, this is the house they are in for their years at Bexley. Kindergarteners will be sorted on Wednesday if they haven’t been sorted already. Ask your child what HOUSE your child is in and encourage him/her to wear his/her HOUSE color or shirt on Wednesday this week! All students will have their first HOUSE meeting where they will learn about our core values and resiliency standards that align.
Here are the corresponding colors below.
BELIEVE house = Yellow
ENGAGE house = Orange
SUCCEED house = Red
TEAMWORK house = Green
INTEGRITY house = Blue
EQUITY house = Purple
Thursday is our first All Pro Dads meeting of the school year. All students are welcome to attend with their father, grandfather, or other parent figure within your home. The All Pro Dads program is about bonding and learning ways to communicate, connect, and spend quality time together. All meetings will consist of breakfast treats, coffee, learning, and an activity around the learning. Our All Pro Dads captains can’t wait to see you all at our first meeting on Thursday, from 8:30am-9:20am. Please consider donating to our APD’s team, in your parent portal, so we can continue to provide breakfast and giveaways to our students and families that attend. We hope to see you there!
Lastly, we thank you for establishing your child’s reading routines at home. Our staff has been working hard to complete beginning of the year assessments and this Friday, you will receive your child’s first DIBELS assessment report to show you the areas your child excels and may need support with in the area of reading. DIBELS is one assessment administered by our teachers to learn about the readers within his/her classroom. This is only one data point that is used to plan for support and/or enrichment for each reader. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you need support understanding the report after reviewing it with your child. FAST testing is still in progress through the end of September so once completed, each individual report will go home for your reference. Thank you for your partnership in your child’s learning.
We look forward to seeing our Bulldogs, on time, tomorrow morning! Believe, Engage, Succeed, Teamwork, Integrity, and Equity for every Bulldog, every day!
Your partner in education,
Mrs. Michele Boylan, BES Principal