Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Hello Bexley Families,

With one more week until Thanksgiving break, we are committed to learning each day! Please remember the importance of your child’s attendance from 9:40am-3:50pm each day. Our teachers and staff are ready to make this week another amazing one for our Bulldogs!

A friendly reminder for our car loop drivers. Our staff members are stationed throughout our car loop to assist families and students in both lanes. Many staff members are in the middle of the car loop traffic and we need your help by refraining from being on your cell phone while in the car loop. We had two close calls this week due to cell phone use in the car line. We thank you in advance for your attention and support while providing a safe arrival and dismissal of our Bulldogs in our car loop each day.

Our Scholastic Book Fair is open for business this week! Students can come with their classes to shop during the day. On Tuesday night, between 4:00-6:30pm, we will have our Scholastic Book Fair open to those families that would like to come shop with their children. Feel free to come by our media center to shop for books Tuesday after dismissal!

On Wednesday make sure your child wears his or her HOUSE shirt or color. We are hosting a SUPRISE HOUSE day for our Bexley family with many opportunities to earn HOUSE points for showing the most spirit!

On Thursday our students will be engaging in the Great American Teach-In. We have several career specialists that have signed up to share their careers with our Bulldogs! This day is about sharing the future opportunities and goals that our students can set as they learn. The One Blood RED bus will also be in our front parking lot taking blood donations. Please sign up for a time to donate, if you can. Our PTO and our school family are all about giving back and this is one way you can give back this November. On Thursday night, we will have a PTO meeting in building 3 since our Book Fair is in our Rec Center/Media Center.

A HUGE shout out to those that participated in our Panda Express spirit night! This spirit night brought out PTO $3,000 because of your participation. This new partnership gave 50% back to our school and this money will filter back to our classrooms and school! Thanks again for always making the time to show your school and BES family spirit. We value our BES families!

Save the Dates for after Thanksgiving break as the time is flying by!
Tuesday, November 29th – Family STEM Night 6:00-8:00PM
Thursday, December 1st – 1st grade Holiday concert (ugly sweater), 5:30 and 6:30PM
Friday, December 2nd – Holidays in Whoville 6:00-8:00PM
Wednesday, December 7th – Early Release Day, students dismissed at 1:50PM

Thank you again for an amazing November with still, more to come at Bexley. We are grateful for you and wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving break with your family and friends.

Believe, Engage, Succeed, Teamwork, Integrity, and Equity for every Bulldog, every day!
Michele Boylan, Principal