Hello Bexley Bulldog Families,
We had a wonderful first full week at Bexley with our Bulldogs! We thank you for your support as we start an amazing school year.

This past week we followed our first severe weather dismissal. We thank you for your patience as we waited for the lightning to pass and could safely release your child(ren). Please review the severe weather plan map and make sure you have a car tag or form of ID when you pick up your child. Our goal is to always release students safely and your identification is critical when we are changing our dismissal routines. Feel free to come to our front office with your ID if you do not have a car tag. We will provide you with one so you are prepared if we need to use our severe weather plan again in the future.
If you would like to change your child’s dismissal during the school day, we ask that you do this before 3:15pm. To change your child’s dismissal please contact our front office to communicate the change. We will then notify the classroom teacher before the end of the day. We understand that many parents and teacher are connected through Class Dojo, however, our teachers are not expected to check Dojo during instruction. Therefore, they may not receive your message in time. We keep a record of all dismissal changes in the front office and prefer them in writing. However, if you do change dismissal over the phone, we will accept changes after verifying your identity and notifying the teacher no later than 3:15pm. Thank you!

If you need to pick up your child for early dismissal, you also may do so before 3:15pm. For this reason, please do not line up in our car line for dismissal before 3:30pm. We are working on a solution, but for now lining up in our car line early blocks other families or employees from accessing our parking lot at the end of the school day. We thank you for your cooperation.

Starting Thursday, September 1st, you may come eat lunch with your child. After September 1st you may join your child on campus for lunch on Mondays and Thursdays. Please come through the front office to check in and plan to eat outside with your child. You may only eat with your child and must be on your child’s contact list in your Parent Portal. We will monitor our lunch visitor numbers and plan accordingly so it is a positive experience for you and your child.

Our Bexley homework policy is based on the data that shows additional practice at home is critical for every child’s progress in Reading and Math. Please remember our weekly homework for all grades includes three important tasks. 1. Have your child read up to 20 minutes each night, 2. have your child complete his/her weekly Lexia goal, and 3. make sure your child completes TWO Zearn lessons each week. As a family, you may decide what this looks like throughout the week as we know that several students are involved in extra curricular activities and your week is busy. We believe that your support will make a big difference in your child’s progress. Thank you for your support!

Mark your calendars for some important dates ahead! There is no school in honor of Labor Day, on September 5th. On September 16th we will host our first PTO family Movie Night event and on September 13th plan to go to Panera Bread to support our Bexley PTO fundraiser. More details to come.
We hope everyone has a wonderful night and we look forward to another AWESOME week with our Bulldogs.

Believe, Engage, Succeed, Teamwork, Integrity, and Equity for Every Bulldog, Every Day!
Your partner in education,
Michele Boylan, Principal