Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Did you borrow a school device for My School Online (MSOL) learning this school year? Please read the notice below to ensure you have the device prepared and returned on time.

Devices and chargers must be returned on Thursday, May 27th, 2021 between 8:30-11:30. Devices can be dropped off in the carline. Please be sure the device is fully charged and cleaned/sanitized (see notes below) before dropping off. Thank you for your support!

Disinfecting Devices:
*The preferred method of disinfecting is to use 70% Isopropyl alcohol wipes.
*Disinfectant should never be sprayed directly onto a device.
*Device surfaces should not be oversaturated with liquid and caution should be taken not to allow liquid to pool on or run down devices.
*Leave the devices to dry completely before closing or charging