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Florida is celebrating Literacy week January 25-29, 2021. The theme this year is: “Humanity Tells a Story: What’s Your Chapter?

See below how your child will celebrate literacy this week. Please note that teachers may follow the activities at their discretion or celebrate it with other activities. Dress up days are on Thursday and Friday!


Date to celebrate Defining Humanity (characteristics) Theme Activity
Jan 25th
Gratitude Reach out and share Teachers share their favorite text (book, poem, quote, et.c) to their students. Students tweet your favorite book titles and/or quotes.
Jan 26th
Self-love #MyCrushDaily Share a selfie with your favorite book that makes you feel good about yourself.
Jan 27th
Respect and Humility R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me! Students write a poem about the things they love and respect about themselves.
Jan 28th
Character Counts Reading Builds Character Dress as a character from your favorite book
Jan 29th
Love and Compassion for others Team up for Literacy Wear your favorite sports gear. Share your love for your favorite athlete (write about your athlete, read a biography/article about the athlete, etc.)