Hello Bulldog Families,
This week is the last week of March and the beginning of Quarter 4 of this school year. End of year testing begins May 1st so this is the last month to focus on learning and finish strong. We thank you for your support with supporting your child reading each night and working to complete their Lexia and Zearn lessons each week. Quarter 3 report cards will be released in your parent portal on Tuesday this week. This is a great time to discuss your child’s progress and goals with your child. Please join us by providing extra encouragement and confidence to our students by praising their effort and improvement. When we praise effort students gain the confidence to know that hard work pays off. When we praise performance over effort, we may lead our students to believe that they don’t have the power to improve. We tell our Bulldogs that they have the power to make choices and give effort each day. When we all send this same message, we will send the same message that we BELIEVE in every Bulldog and that every Bulldog can SUCCEED.
We thank those parents that provided input in our parent survey. We are so proud of the positive trends that our teachers and staff are compassionate. supportive, and kind. We also noticed a trend of our families looking for more consistent communication regarding their child’s progress in school. We will continue to work on intentional strategies to communicate your child’s progress in a variety of ways.
As always, our teachers are also available for communicating your child’s progress and the details of their report card. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions. We do not expect our teachers to respond to digital messages during instructional time, but they will respond during their planning time or within 24 hours. We understand that our digital communication can sometimes get lost in translation. If you have further questions, request to meet your child’s teacher in person or over Zoom/Outlook Teams. We are here to partner with you and want to make any effort to help work together to help your child grow and succeed.
Tomorrow at 6:00 we have a PTO meeting and all families are invited. Please also remember that this Friday is our spring carnival starting at 6:00. This annual event is so fun for our Bulldogs and families. Wristbands are available online at a discounted price, so buy your wristband today. All children 3 and up are required to have a wristband for entry. We look forward to seeing our Bulldogs this Friday!
Save the date for April 5th when Grain and Berry will host a Bexley Family spirit night from 4:00-8:00pm. April 12th will be our next HOUSE spirit day and April 13th will be our spring chorus and orff concert. On April 20th will be our first ever All Pro Dads meeting starting at 8:30am. Dads, mark your calendars and join this event with your child. We are excited to kick-off our All Pro Dads chapter at Bexley in April.
Lastly, On Monday, April 17th from 10:00-1:00, we will be hosting a Kindergarten Round-Up for incoming Kindergarteners for the 23-24 school year. If you or a neighbor have a child turning 5 before September 1st of 2023, then your child is ready to begin Kindergarten. Our Kindergarten Round-up will be a welcoming event where families will have the opportunity to engage in a campus tour while we have a variety of activities to get our incoming Kindergartners excited for school in the Fall. This is not a registration event as all registration is now completed online. However, we can provide technical assistance for any families having trouble registering online. We can’t wait to meet our 23-24 Kindergarten class coming to Bexley!
Kindergarten Round Up flyer 2023 (1).pdf
Thank you for your trust and engagement in Bexley. We are here to serve you!
Believe, Engage, Succeed, Teamwork, Integrity, and Equity in every Bulldog, every day!
Michele Boylan, Principal