Hello Bulldog Families,
Happy Super Bowl Sunday, may the BEST team win!
This week is Kindness Week and each day our students and staff are tasked with showing a random act of kindness. Talk to your child about how he or she will show their kindness this week! We also wish our families a Happy Valentines Day and encourage our students to show their LOVE by wearing hearts on Tuesday. On Friday, dress your child in tie dye or a combination of colors to shine on Kindness day!
This Monday, our Kindergarten Concert will be at the River Ridge High School Performing Arts Center. Kindergarten student back stage door drop-off begins at 6:30 and 7:00 their concert will begin. All are welcome and we look forward to a wonderful concert!
Next week, February 23rd is Field Day for our students! Our PE department has planned a wonderful event for all students to have fun outside. All Field Day volunteers have been notified by our PE department and we THANK YOU for the overwhelming response to help out on Field Day. This event is limited to staff, students, and our volunteers that have already been notified by our PE coaches. If you were unable to secure a volunteer spot for this event, please reach out to our PTO to assist at our Spring Carnival as we are in need of support on March 31st for our annual carnival.
This week your child will have a fire drill and an active threat drill. Discuss with your child that these are drills that we must practice at school, and that these are only drills.
We want to thank those parents that support the safety and security of our car loop and hiker/biker locations at Bexley. Several of you have reached out and have called our Pasco County sheriff’s department on behalf of our student safety during arrival and dismissal. Our admin team has continued to stay in contact with our district safety committee and the Pasco County sheriff’s office to also do the same.
As you know, our school is in the middle of a busy neighborhood where children enjoy using the sidewalk to bike or walk home, too. We have noticed in increase of speeding, parking along the street, and cars making illegal U-turns in front of our school and at our crosswalks. Although we cannot have daily Pasco County officers at our school, we have requested them more frequently to assist us. We do not have authority to ticket those not following the now public street in front of our school, our PC sheriff’s department does.
Most importantly, our hiker/biker areas are ONLY for students that can walk or bike home from school. If you are currently parking on Cadence Loop or anywhere along the streets/sidewalks to pick up your child from our hiker/biker locations, you must refrain from this practice and use our car loop or arrange for your child to ride the bus. Cars that do this may be ticketed as this is not permitted. Our car line is safe and efficient and we expect families to use this if they are not in walking distance from the school and are not offered a bus. We have advocated for flashing lights and additional signage to be posted by the county. As our student population has increased, our concerns have grown due to the number of students that are using our hiker/biker areas that do not live within walking distance from the school. We thank you for your cooperation.
We are looking forward to a wonderful week of learning at Bexley and look forward to seeing our Bulldogs, on time, tomorrow morning.
Have a wonderful night of football!
Believe, Engage, Succeed, Teamwork, Integrity, Equity, for every Bulldog, every day!
Michele Boylan, Principal