Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Food & Nutrition information:
The federal government is ending USDA free meals for all students School Year 2022-2023. We operate under National School Lunch Program, therefore we will be returning to Free, Reduced or Paid Meals.

Menu prices, Elementary schools:


Paid: $1.60
Reduced: $0.30

Paid: $3.00
Reduced: $0.40

Food & Nutrition Services offers parents a grace period when lunch money is forgotten. This allows students to charge meals to their school lunch account until they bring funds from home or replenish the funds online: My School Bucks
Once the charge limit is reached, students are offered an alternate lunch until the charges are repaid.

More information can be found on The Pasco County Schhols Food & Nutrition website