Hello Bexley Bulldog Families,

We hope everyone had an amazing spring break and enjoyed time with family and friends!
We are excited to see our students back at school tomorrow to finish the school year strong. This Wednesday is Spring Picture Day, so be sure to mark your calendars. On Thursday night, we have a PTO meeting starting at 5:00 in our media center. All are welcome to join. We end the month of March with Quarter 3 report cards released in your parent portal on Tuesday, March 29.

On behalf of our staff and admin team, I want to thank you for your support as we hold high expectations for students each day. It takes a partnership to ensure that our Bulldogs are learning each day in a caring and safe school setting. We will continue to hold students accountable for meeting our schoolwide expectations for behavior and academic effort each day throughout this last quarter of the school year. We BELIEVE that when every child is ENGAGED while supported in learning, he/she will SUCCEED! Thank you for working with us toward this mission.

Every Bulldog, Every Day!
Michele Boylan, BES Principal