Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Here’s our latest school news:

Health Screenings

There will be a free health screening on Tuesday, September 26th at Bexley Elementary. The following screenings will take place:
Kindergarten: vision & hearing
1st grade: height, weight, vision & hearing
3rd grade: height, weight & vision
All students new to Florida (any grade): vision, hearing
The screening will take place during normal school hours.
*If you do not want your child to participate, please submit this in writing by September 22nd.

Donations for Hurricane Harvey & Irma

A Message from Red Cross: Collecting and sending food, clothing and other household items often does more harm than good. It takes time and money to store, sort, clean and distribute donated items, which diverts limited time and resources away from helping those most affected. Storing donated items can also result in thousands of dollars in warehousing, cleaning, transportation and handling fees – whereas financial donations allow us to be flexible to give those directly affected by Harvey and Irma what they need most. If you would like to make a financial donation, please click on the link provided.  Red Cross Hurricane Harvey and Irma Donations

Follow us on Social Media

Bexley’s Facebook page is up and running! Like us, follow us, and please share with other Bexley families!

Follow our principal Vicki Wolin on Twitter @BexleyElem


Bexley Elementary will have an onsite PLACE program that provides before and after school care.  If you have specific questions about this program or to enroll, please call (813) 794-2298.